Saturday, March 8, 2008


Cat is my chiropractor and she is super amazing. In addition to doing gentle spinal manipulation, she also does muscle testing

Today we talked about some other therapies to help down the road, such as acupuncture to help with the side effects of radiation and chemo. She also greatly reduced my stress/tension/migraine headache by working on my back, neck and head. When she did the muscle testing, I came up strong on everything, except for being overwhelmed by too many decisions. She helped remove some of that energy block and got things flowing again and I feel so much better. I was able to have a good time with some of my family after my appointment.

She also referred me to a new massage therapist in Tacoma for after I move and change insurance.

All in all, I am very grateful to have a practitioner like Cat to go to, who can really help with the emotional and physical stress cancer is putting on my body. I set up a bunch of appointments for the rest of this month since my current insurance ends on the 31st. Then, I start all over again with my new insurance. woohoo!

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