Thursday, January 15, 2009


I was taking a close-up look at my left eye in the mirror this morning when I saw them... two rows of tiny eyelashes springing up from the depths. I looked at my right eye. Yep.. eyelashes there too! I'm officially in a good mood today!

It's funny how perspective on life changes when one loses things like eyelashes.

My hair is also starting to spring back. It's currently in two stages, and I'm highly anticipating a third stage. First, there's the "chemo hair." That's the hair that continued to grow during chemotherapy. It's about an inch long, very thin and growing rather randomly on my head. Then there's the hair that has started to grow back since the end of chemo. It's buzz cut length, but also pretty thin. I'm waiting for all of my hair to start growing. I'm giving it until the two-month anniversary of the end of chemo and then I'll start freaking out if I don't see anything starting to grow.

Speaking of treatments, my third and hopefully final treatment starts on Tuesday. That's the radiation. I did the simulation on the CAT scan last week, where I was positioned, tattooed and had a "form" made for my head and upper arm. I go in today for another set of films and to talk to my radiation oncologist before starting actual radiation next week.

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