Wednesday, November 5, 2008

A change in the plan

I had a very bad night earlier this week when my cat decided to bolt from the living room to the bedroom and used my sore and explosed toe as part of her pathway. It was the last straw in a day where I was really struggling to breathe and just do the things I needed to do. And trust me, I don't do more than what I absolutely have to!

I had a good cry and then felt better, but was still upset enough to want to call off chemo all together, and would of if it hadn't been so late in the day.

The next day I called the research coordinator and told her that I needed a break this week from chemo, AND that I wanted a dose-reduction for the final 3 weeks. Hopefully this plan will negate the need for another blood transfusion.

Yesterday I used the Dial-A-Ride system here for the first time. It worked out really well, even though I had to cross the street (on a pedestrian bridge over the street) to the Health Sciences building for a class.

Now that I have the disability placard for my car, I've been driving to work every day. It's so much easier on me physically than taking the bus. I'm able to park in one of the handicapped spaces in my building. And since my sister is back at work (reluctantly) after her maternity leave, we are carpooling again, so that makes driving even easier.

Good news regarding my toe and thumb.. they have finally healed on the surface and I don't have to wear the bandaids anymore.

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